Hello friends, family, & future employers - and welcome to my online portfolio!

As you explore my online portfolio I hope that you take away a slice of who I am professionally and personally. Here you can discover some of my past projects in university and extracurricularly. 

From an early age I had a passion for the arts - I took to anything from paper-macheing with my mom to journaling to playing the piano. In university I took on a Graphic Design minor and tested my ability in B&W Film photography and development at the New England School of Photography. Today, I rediscover my passion for design in simplicity and complexity daily. Whether I am building out client deliverables in the office or exploring the city of Boston armed with a camera.

We are surrounded by design whether it be visual or invisible to the eye. It is what makes our lives simple and beautiful or complicated and ugly. My philosophy in design and in life is to strive for what is beautifully simplistic. I hope that this is translated to you in all that I do. 
